To keep your hair looking healthy and shiny I always tell my clients to there wash their hair with the right shampoo to match the hair texture and condition of your hair to obtain the best treatment needed. Always use a leave in treatment in your hair after washing to nourish the hair until the next shampoo. I always recommend doing a hair mask or treatment on your hair to restore any damage from chemically processing along with styling with blow dryers and irons.

For color treated hair I always tell my clients to use a shampoo that is made for color treated hair and to make sure it has no sodium sulfate or sodium chloride. These two main ingredients cause dullness to the hair and cause the hair color to fade faster and become brassy. Another way to protect your color along with the shampoo is to use a treatment once a week for six weeks to keep the color looking fresh as if you just had it done. You can do a treatment at the salon or at home.
Want to know how to keep your blondes brilliant and brass free? Use the above mentioned shampoos and along with that twice a week you will substitute that shampoo wit a purple shampoo and conditioner. A less expensive brand called Shimmer Lights is awesome and on budget! Use it twice a week and your blonde stays as fresh as when you walked out of the salon.

I always start my blowouts with a heat protector along with a volume spray. You always want to use a heat protector in your hair so your hair dose not get dry because that will cause dry ends and split ends and you will be seeing the hair dresser more often than usual. Always use a shine product after blowing out or ironing your hair for a smooth silky shine and look flawless.